Changelog for ** 2013-10-15 - Missing translation - Product history - Nav updates ** 2013-10-11 - GA tracking events ** 2013-10-03 - Cart page updates - WordPress support release ** 2013-09-25 - Bigcommerce tweaks ** 2013-09-23 - Access restriction tweaks - Translation updates - UI updates ** 2013-09-11 - SSL page redirects ** 2013-09-09 - Added license key info to API ** 2013-09-05 - Tweaks to legacy API ** 2013-08-30 - UK date format support in Liquid templates ** 2013-08-28 - Added Sandbox environment for PayPal and Powa ** 2013-08-27 - Expiration Date bug fix ** 2013-08-22 - Additional API fields - Fixed bug with Manual Order ID generation ** 2013-08-19 - Product purge moved to background task - Added additional product API fields ** 2013-08-13 - Bug fix for status popup ** 2013-08-06 - Email redundancy improvements - Further UX updates - Order preview bug fix ** 2013-08-05 - Navigation rework for better UX ** 2013-08-01 - Google Checkout retirement ** 2013-07-30 - Bigcommerce sync updates ** 2013-07-22 - Item url field size increased ** 2013-07-08 - Type-o fix ** 2013-07-01 - Dropbox Saver Integration - UI tweaks ** 2013-06-24 - Readmill integration updates to support store url ** 2013-06-21 - Added Previous and Next Order buttons ** 2013-06-04 - Fixed bug where past invoices weren't showing proper date format ** 2013-05-28 - Removed FetchApp HTML branding from custom pages so that HTML parsing doesn't fail ** 2013-05-24 - Fixed bug on cart page so that missing fields are properly highlighted - Added "logical" delete to license keys for safety ** 2013-05-16 - Updated Readmill integration to support shop links and tracking ** 2013-05-13 - Fixed date format inconsistencies - Added Google redirect URL ** 2013-04-23 - Update to navigation UI - Addition of file filters ** 2013-04-22 - Update to API to add "time" method for verifying connectivity ** 2013-04-12 - Migration to new servers ** 2013-04-08 - Bug fix for Liquid error in email templates - Password encryption improvements ** 2013-04-01 - Default to HTTPs for PayPal ** 2013-03-26 - Ability to "opt out" of future order updates, part 1 ** 2013-03-12 - Updates to product and file search dropdowns to increase performance ** 2013-02-28 - Updates to API to return proper XML on empty sets - Updates to API to return "type" param for order items ** 2013-02-27 - UI updates to show required form fields - JS tweaks for Flash uploader ** 2013-02-20 - Update to allow file urls to be managed via the API - Improvements to PayPal price protection logic ** 2013-02-17 - Tweaks to BC import to grab more information ** 2013-02-15 - Update to allow redirect URL to be specified for PayPal ** 2013-02-10 - Updates to dashboard chart to take date format into account ** 2013-02-08 - IE 10 compatibility fix ** 2013-01-29 - New UI for product and file lookup ** 2013-01-22 - API update to include type parameter - API update to include file urls ** 2013-01-16 - Fixed known SQL injection vulnerability in Rails framework ** 2013-01-15 - Make Textile optional for email notifications - Missing tooltips restored - Expiration control tweak ** 2013-01-13 - Update to set content-disposition header ** 2013-01-11 - Vulnerability patch for Rails ** 2013-01-02 - Multi-file select UI for products ** 2012-12-31 - Added "buy now", "add to cart", and "view cart" links to Product API ** 2012-12-27 - Multi-product select UI for orders ** 2012-12-21 - Fixed Order Search form bug - Added variable pricing for PayPal buttons ** 2012-12-14 - Cache last visited page in products and orders index so when clicking 'go back' it goes to correct page - Updated paging logic for delete - Added UK date format / i18n updates ** 2012-12-13 - Fixed bug with dashboard permission check - New method of api order numbers ** 2012-12-11 - Order Export date ranges - Fixed bug in manual order id generation - Timezone updates ** 2012-11-30 - Updated Favicon ** 2012-11-29 - Added the ability to search by email address to the API ** 2012-11-28 - Dashboard Chart tweaks ** 2012-11-23 - Dashboard page - User access option for dashboard ** 2012-11-20 - File deletion bug fix ** 2012-11-14 - Powa integration ** 2012-11-12 - Fixed order update email bug ** 2012-11-08 - License Keys bug fix - Order import tweaks - Allow line items to have the same SKU ** 2012-11-06 - Update to use latest version of Liquid ** 2012-11-01 - Customizable search page released ** 2012-10-19 - Added more years to credit card dropdown - Added date field for order import ** 2012-10-17 - Added mapping between the Shopify note field and the order.custom_1 attribute - Fixed bug when signing up for Shopify with a subdomain already in use the incorrect error message was shown ** 2012-10-04 - Fixed bug in API that overwriting first and last names on Order#update if they weren't passed in with the request - Added the ability to specify the name on the credit card ** 2012-09-27 - Added support for HTML emails w/ preview ** 2012-09-26 - Added additional fields for Products (description, product store url, and product image url) for use in email and page templates. ** 2012-09-18 - Optimizations to Bigcommerce import job ** 2012-09-10 - API bug fix for inconsistent versioning results ** 2012-09-10 - Fixed bug in Order Search page to allow # in the order number ** 2012-08-27 - Allow spaces inside of license keys ** 2012-08-23 - Added default shipping and weight value for PayPal buttons ** 2012-08-20 - Added support for importing more than 50 products from Bigcommerce ** 2012-08-17 - Fixed bug where orders from Shopify with more than 15 line items would be imported twice ** 2012-08-14 - Beta release of customizable order page ** 2012-08-06 - Beta release of API 2.0 - Updated API to allow for mixed orders (physical and digital goods) to process. ** 2012-07-27 - Tweak to PayPal integration to process Cart orders more efficiently ** 2012-07-17 - Fixed bug in License Key view page ** 2012-07-14 - Added line item quantity support to Bigcommerce integration ** 2012-07-13 - Fixed bug with order stats not using correct timezone ** 2012-07-08 - Added basic order stats ** 2012-07-02 - Update to support links ** 2012-06-25 - Site handle was error message fix ** 2012-06-20 - Added name field to item urls ** 2012-06-19 - Fixed bug with search - Fixed email validation bug ** 2012-06-18 - Moved support desk to Kayako ** 2012-06-11 - Readmill integration - Order fulfillment in Shopify ** 2012-06-07 - Allow user records to be accessed on frozen accounts - Added View Cart link for PayPal ** 2012-05-31 - Added Account # to Support Menu to expedite requests ** 2012-05-26 - Soft launch of streamlined PayPal Cart buttons - Added Google Checkout Button code generator to Sell page ** 2012-05-23 - License Key purge bug ** 2012-05-14 - License Key assignment fix - Improved documentation for Shopify ** 2012-05-10 - Update to Big Commerce integration to handle more than 50 orders at a time - Update to Volusion integration to allow more order states to be handled ** 2012-05-09 - Fix to License Key system ** 2012-05-07 - Added vendor_id field to API ** 2012-05-05 - Various tweaks to Big Commerce integration ** 2012-04-30 - Added the ability to specify / update manual order IDs. ** 2012-04-25 - Added support for funky email addresses ** 2012-04-23 - Updated Big Commerce integration to allow more payment types to be accepted - Updated PayPal integration in preparation for cart support ** 2012-04-17 - Added ability to view past invoices even if account is overdue - Added additional Big Commerce order statuses - Added ability to change account owner ** 2012-04-09 - Small tweak for automatic password generation. ** 2012-04-04 - Added the ability to override / change Order Expiration - Couple of bug fixes ** 2012-03-27 - Improved mobile device compatibility - Added support for order item quantity when generating license keys ** 2012-03-26 - Added confirmation message for Product Purge - Added confirmation message for Order Purge - Fixed bug with IPN to make email check case insensitive ** 2012-03-21 - Added support for in preparation for public feature launch ** 2012-03-14 - Added "Billing Info" button to Account page for easier navigation ** 2012-03-08 - Added "Reopen" button for Orders. Clicking this resets the expiration but does *NOT* resend the email - UI tweaks for Order and Product Buttons - Improvements to Order, Product, and File load times ** 2012-03-01 - Improved Order list page load times ** 2012-02-29 - Added fragment caching for main application areas ** 2012-02-27 - Added additional overridable PayPal parameters to the Buy Now button links ** 2012-02-17 - Added email notification for when the email sent by PayPal does not match the one set in FetchApp ** 2012-02-16 - Fixed bug in Google Checkout order processing where blank orders where being sent out. - Added Variable pricing to PayPal Buy Now Buttons ** 2012-02-14 - Improved UX for navigating around the Orders and Products page ** 2012-02-13 - Added shortcut button on the Product page to create a manual order with the current product preselected. ** 2012-02-02 - Added new variable, {{ order.expires_pretty }} to email notifications to allow the display of the date to be Month Day, Year (February 2, 2012) for international customers. ** 2012-01-31 - Updated automatically created webhooks to only create topics based on whether or not a company accepts authorized payments. ** 2012-01-27 - Fixed bug related to error message not showing up when deleting a File that was deleted by someone else a few seconds prior. - Fixed pagination bug where deleting a File would revert you page to page 1 every time. - Fixed pagination issue where if you deleted the last File on a page, the previous page would be loaded automatically. - Fixed bug where holding CMD / Ctrl on Orders & Products grids didn't open in a new tab as expected. ** 2012-01-24 - Rolled out updated copy to improve user experience ** 2012-01-23 - Updated Regex to allow dash (-) in Google Merchant ID and Google Merchant Code ** 2012-01-18 - Fixed bug where certain browsers weren't being properly redirected after logging in - Fixed issue with autologin apps not working - Fixed bug with error message not being shown on password reset / sign up ** 2012-01-17 - Re-enabled Google Checkout on Carts page; updated relevant documentation - Fixed bug for SKUs with quotation marks not working correctly ** 2012-01-14 - Fixed bug where signup errors were being reported incorrectly ** 2012-01-13 - Fixed bug when removing an existing credit card ** 2012-01-12 - Added UI to highlight Time Zone feature - Various tweaks to PayPal integration - Added better support for external urls - Added price field to CSV export ** 2012-01-11 - Added Time Zone support at the user level ** 2012-01-09 - Added internal scripts for asset management ** 2012-01-04 - Added Chrome specific message for trouble with downloads as per ** 2012-01-03 - Added UI for Goodsie to Carts page - Re-enabled FoxyCart on Carts page